Oh gosh. I am feeling some bitter jealousy for those of you who are either already done or are in the single digits right now. Up here in New England we still have a whopping NINETEEN SCHOOL DAYS LEFT! Yes, you read that correctly. 19. Combine that with the weather - a high of 52 degrees today making it warmer in Alaska - and it feels like summer is never coming. I feel like we are in the seven kingdoms from Game of Thrones. The Starks warned us that winter was coming. Now it's here and never leaving.
Luckily the weather channel says it's supposed to warm up to the 80's next week. So I know that summer will come eventually. And my jealousy resides when I remind myself that I have off for the entire month of August and we don't return until Labor Day.
So just in case summer does decide to show up, I am linking up with A Cupcake for the Teacher, Miss Kindergarten, and A Modern Teacher for their Summer Bucket List linky.
First on my list is to meet my new niece or nephew! This is a pic of my twin sister who is 35 weeks pregnant. She is due June 30th, just in time for me to finish school and all the end of year paperwork that goes with it. And then I can spend as much time as I want with little baby S. I seriously CANNOT WAIT for this baby to come!!
Second is to buy a house. This process is exciting and depressing at the same time. My hubby and I have been saving for what feels like forever, both have great jobs, and will still probably only be able to afford something like this:
Hey. At least it has a porch. That's on my really-really-want-but-probably-need-to-compromise-on list.
Also on my list is to complete another Tough Mudder. I cannot believe it is almost here! One week from today, I will be running. This will be my second Mudder and I can't wait. There are 4 of us from school who have been working out together for months to prepare. It is such a great group of women. When we started, we were all at different levels of physical fitness. Pushing each other during our workouts has been such a wonderful experience.
This week I ran 7 miles twice and on Monday we're doing a 10-miler together. And when I tell you that my runs are enjoyable, I am not lying. For that hour on the road, it's just me and my music. One foot in front of the other. Running off the day's stress.
But lemme tell you, I was a little hesitant back in February when I signed up for the TM, but I am so glad I did. For one thing, I am in great shape. There is absolutely no way I would have worked out this often if I didn't have this race coming up. It literally scares me into putting on my running shoes. Plus, swimsuit season is right around the corner. I love the accomplishment of feeling great about myself on the beach and never feeling guilty at summer BBQ's when I eat whatever I want.
Finally, I am looking forward to spending time with my hubby, my pup, and my family and friends. My GSD and I spend every morning of the summer outside. I eat breakfast, drink coffee, and read while he tries to eat bugs. Nick is taking a week off work so we can go to Cape May, NJ with my mother's entire family (35 people!!!!!) We also have weddings, BBQs, weekends with Nick's brothers, and my bff just moved 5 miles away from us!
If summer ever comes, it's going to be a good one.
What's on your bucket list this summer?
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Wow Beth! What a summer! I have never heard of a Tough Mudder. It sounds intense! Good luck and enjoy your time off!
An Apple a Day in First Grade
Isn't this weather in New England miserable? I am so disappointed...I was really looking forward to getting to the beach this weekend. Sounds like you have a fun summer planned when it finally decides to arrive though!