classroom reveal

Well, school has finally begun!  I have 20 little buggers and boy are they cute.  They come in with their brand new backpacks and their first day outfits and are so nervous to meet me (as if I could scare anyone!)

This year, I was especially excited for the first day because I put a lot of extra hard work into redecorating my classroom.  First, I threw out over 250 reference books, dictionaries, and other old crap left behind from past teachers.

Then I hung some bunting, put up a huge tree in the window, and added a bunch of trinkets, lamps, etc.  Oh yeah.  And I organized all my library books into baskets.  My reading specialist is going to be so proud...she has been obviously  subtly hinting that this is the best way to organize my shelves, and while I completely agree, it took me awhile to gather enough baskets.  By awhile, I mean two years.  Who knew you could get them at the dollar store?!!  Anyway, take a look and tell me what you think.  (I apologize in advance for the awful photo quality.  My camera and laptop broke in the same week, so I had to resort to my stone age iPhone 3GS.)

This is a view of my room as you walk in the door.

A view from my desk.

The tree is the focal point of the room. This is such an awful photo, and really doesn't do it justice. I just could not get very good lighting in my room.


My newly organized library. ;)


Here are a couple close-ups of my baskets.  My 6 year-old nephew helped me put these together!

Each of my students has an extra bin to store their books and binders.  They also have 3 clothespins with their name on it.  When they check out a book from the library, they attach the clothespin to the card on the basket.  Then, when they return the book, they know where to place it.

Just some decorations.

I bought these buckets from the dollar section at Target.  Now that school has started, I have a bucket full of sharp pencils.  During a class discussion, a student will place a dull pencil in the "not sharp" bucket and grab a pre-sharpened pencil.  No more having to listen to the loud sharpener in the middle of giving directions!

Well, that is all for now.  I will add some of my boards soon.  But the Patriots are playing their first season game, so it's time for some football!  Have a great Sunday everyone!

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