
Okay OKAY. I know I've been a lazy blogger. This year is just crazy. First, we experienced an earthquake at this year's environmental school trip. But also, we went from a three-person team to two teams of two, AND I added Social Studies to my curriculum. So my nights and weekends have looked like this:

My husband keeps asking me, "Why are you so tired all the time?"  I'm too tired to answer.

But I have to say, between the two classes of kids, I have an awesome group this year. I know, I KNOW. I say that every year. But seriously, what a group of characters!  Yesterday, during dismissal, a girl says, "Hey Mrs. E, are you wearing pajamas with us tomorrow?"  I assumed this meant the afternoon announcements stated that tomorrow would be a school-wide pajama day since we often have one right before a holiday break.  So my team teacher (TT for short) and I planned to both come in pajamas so we each didn't look like the lone, crazy teacher who forgot to get dressed.  Turns out it was not a school-wide pajama day, the kids just came up with the idea on their own.  Thank goodness I have an easy-going principal!  TT and I both showed up in flannel pants!  It was fun to dress down with the kids though, and we had a great lab in the morning, a school-wide championship flag football game, and then we ended with some Charlie Brown Mayflower (hey, it's historically accurate!).  TT and I also got in some much needed quality planning time together (she taught me a brand, spanking new way to grade my writing!)

Meanwhile, two of my favorite characters, J and B, decided they would prefer to draw instead of watch Charlie Brown.  I walked past one of the tables and my eye caught something on the floor.

In case you can't tell, that's B's pet. His leash was wrapped around the table leg so that he wouldn't run away while B was working on his drawing. How can you not smile at that? The things these kids come up with never cease to make me chuckle. I seriously have the best job.

I hope everyone has a very happy Thanksgiving!

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